Some Aspects of the Prophet’s Life and High Moral Standards

The Prophet ﷺ was the epitome of good moral character.

The Prophet ﷺ was the epitome of good character and personal integrity. When ‛Aa’ishah ~, one of the Prophet’s wives, was asked about the character of the Prophet ﷺ, she replied, “His character was the Qur’an.” (Musnad Ahmad: 24601; Saheeh Muslim: 746) This means he translated the noble teachings of the Qur’an into reality.


  • The Prophet ﷺ was so humble that he did not like people to rise to their feet upon his arrival and he even forbade them from doing so. Although no one was dearer to his noble companions than the Messenger of Allah ﷺ,they would not stand up for him when they saw him coming, for they knew that he disliked that. (Musnad Ahmad: 12345; Musnad Al-Bazzaar: 6637)
  • Before ‛Adiyy ibn Haatim , an Arab notable, embraced Islam, he came to Madeenah to find out about the new faith. “As we were making for [the Prophet’s] house,” he later recalled, “there met him an old feeble lady with some children who asked him to stop and he stopped for a long time while she was telling him of her needs. I said to myself, ‘This is certainly no king; he does not behave like Chosroes or Caesar.’” (Musnad Ahmad: 19381)
  • His actions and movements while in the company of his companions were characterised by homely simplicity and utter humility, so much so that a stranger would not be able to tell who he was. Once, a man came and said, “who amongst you is Muhammed?” (Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: 63) 
  • Anas ibn Maalik  said, “Any of the female slaves of Madeenah could take hold of the hand of Allah’s Messenger and take him wherever she wished.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhaaree: 5724) The expression “take hold of the hand of Allah’s Messenger” is an indication of his extreme kindness and prompt response to the young and the weak. This report reveals the Prophet’s utter humility, in that it mentions his readiness to attend to the needs of some of the most vulnerable members of society, women and female slaves.
  • Once he declared, “A person who has an atom’s weight of pride in his heart will not enter Paradise.” (Saheeh Muslim: 91)

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