The General Rule Regarding Clothing

Islam is a religion which lays down rules based on the dictates of the pure nature innate in all humans (fitrah), straightforward reasoning and sound logic.


The general rule in the Sharee‛ah is that all types of clothing and adornment are allowed.
Indeed, Islam does not require Muslims to wear a certain type of clothing. It considers all types of clothing lawful as long as such clothing serves the required purposes without exceeding the bounds set by Islam in this respect.

The Prophet ﷺ wore the same type of clothes prevalent in his time and did not order people to wear a particular type of clothing. He only warned them against certain qualities relating to clothing, for the general rule in Islamic Law regarding dealings in general, including clothing, is that everything is allowed unless there is evidence which states otherwise; this means nothing is considered forbidden except with evidence, as opposed to acts of worship, such as the prayer and fasting, which are governed by the principle of restriction, in that legally responsible people must not perform any act of worship unless it becomes clear to them that it is prescribed and approved by Allah Himself, and thus no act of worship may be performed without textual evidence from the Qur’an and the Prophet’s Sunnah.
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Eat, drink, dress and give charity, but without extravagance or arrogance.” (Sunan An-Nasaa’ee: 2559)
While Islam outlines a code of modesty, it has no fixed standard as to a type of clothing that Muslims must wear. However, Muslims may use the same type of clothes commonly used in their respective countries, with the exception of those that Islam has declared forbidden.

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