Jemaa el-Fnaa

A truly crazy and indescribable place, have to see it to understand it. If you are near Marrakech or just driving through you owe it to yourself to make a quick stop and take it all in. Every sense will be assaulted but just embrace the madness and get lost in the square and souks even if it's for an hour. When you've had your fill (and you will) then retreat to one of the cafes flanking the square, grab a balcony seat and relax with a drink (I recommend a Mint Tea) and just people watch for a while. Yes there are people there that will take advantage of you with shackled monkeys, fake sunglasses and henna. Just be ready to firmly say no and continue walking, you'll be left alone eventually but it does all come with the insane experience you will have just by being here.

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