Liste of The Best Things to Do in Kazan, Russia

10 things you must do in Kazan

Stay in the heart of Rome

From visiting the medieval Kremlin and the gigantic mosque to riding on the tiny metro system and sampling chak-chak.

Kazan (800 km southeast of Moscow), the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan and one of Russia's oldest cities (founded in 1005), is full of sights, beautiful streets, and cozy parks. As for Tatar cuisine, it deserves special attention. If you happen to be in Kazan for a day or two, our must-see & must-do guide will make your stay as enjoyable as possible.

Liste of The Best Things to Do in Kazan, Russia

1. Immerse yourself in the Middle Ages in the Kremlin

2. Don’t let Söyembikä Tower topple

3. Visit Kul Sharif Mosque

4. Taste Tatar cuisine

5. Admire the architecture of the Palace of Farmers

6. See the sunset from Kremlin Embankment

7. See Kazan at night from the other bank

8. Visit Sviyazhsk Island

9. Ride the metro

10. Buy chak-chak

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