Phnom Srok District

Town in Cambodia

Phnom Srok District

Phnom Srok District is a district in the east of Banteay Meanchey Province, in north-western Cambodia. The district capital is Phnom Srok town located around 52 kilometres north east of the provincial capital of Sisophon by road. Phnom Srok District is the easternmost district of Banteay Meanchey. The district shares a border with both Siem Reap Province and Oddar Meanchey Province to the east. There are no major roads within the district and it is quite isolated. The district can be accessed by road from Sisophon or Siem Reap. 

Though there are no major roads, numerous tertiary roads run through from the district centre to the nearby districts of Kralanh, Chong Kal, Svay Chek and Preah Net Preah. The district encompasses significant wetlands and the large Democratic Kampuchea era reservoir of Ang Trapaing Thmor. Due to its relative isolation, these wetlands are home to numerous rare and endangered bird species and 10,000 hectares within the district has been declared a nature reserve for the preservation of these species.

Population: 46,395 (2008) 

Province: Banteay Meanchey Province 

Commune: 6 

Geocode: 103 

Villages: 55

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