Prepare to get lost no matter what

In Marrakesh you have to forget about maps. They simply don’t work in here, especially in the Medina when streets reminded me a lot of Italian ones, however way busier and more complicated. Even Google Maps gets lost all the time, so try to remember your walk back to your riad or hotel.

Prepare to get lost no matter what

Marrakesh is safe for female travelers if you take precautions

I read a lot of female blogs described how they were harassed by locals. I haven’t experienced such treatment, either on my first or second visit. In fact, I find Mexico being more annoying and since I’ve lived in Mexico one can assume that it isn’t so bad.

Locals in Morocco were all really friendly to me. Sure, one or two people were annoying vendors, but I quickly replied to them in French that they should behave and I’m not buying anything, and they stopped.

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