Morocco / USA: Message from Trump to King Mohammed VI

Infomediary Morocco - King Mohammed VI received a message of greetings and congratulations from US President Donald T. Trump on the occasion of the advent of 'Eid Al Fitr'.

In this message, Trump expresses on behalf of the American people and on his own behalf his best wishes to the King as well as to the Moroccan people, noting that "as we celebrate the end of Ramadan, we meditate on the sacred tradition of to help neighbors and break up the young with people from all walks of life, a tradition based on Islam's tradition of justice and compassion.

 "Eid" is a reminder of the responsibility to comfort one another in the spirit of friendship and to create a society in which everyone can reach their full potential," said the US president.

At the same time, Trump expresses his wishes for health and prosperity to Muslims around the world, highlighting the "essential contributions" made by American Muslims who have "served honorably" in the country's armed forces "who brings together many religions.

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